Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ruby is FOUR!

For her birthday, Ruby asked for a princess cake with cousins and presents. She also asked to go to the Fun Park (indoor playground). She is easy to please!

1. She is a very docile and easy child. She is eager to please and gets along well with others. Babysitters often comment how amazingly good she is. She is very obedient, and doesn’t often complain.

2. She is NOT like Olivia in that she is not driven by sugar. She often chooses not to eat the rest of her dinner, knowing that she is giving up her dessert, but she just doesn’t care.

3. She is a peacemaker. She will give up her toys or her turn or whatever in order to make others happy. Olivia has caught on to this and often tries to take advantage of it.

4. She loves to sing to herself (and to others). We often find her alone in a room happily playing with toys and singing to herself, or riding her tricycle, singing as she goes. She also loves to dance.

5. She is honest. She is learning to be a little bit sneaky sometimes, but for the most part, she can be trusted.

6. Ruby seems to be a very mature and well-spoken. She started preschool at a very young age, so she seems to be advanced in many social and some academic areas.

7. She still has a very small bladder. She still has to pee more than anyone we know, which makes for looong road-trips with maaany stops.

8. She is brave in that she doesn’t get scared of bugs or squeamish at blood. She loves to find ants in our kitchen (in the springtime when they are all coming inside), pick them up one by one, and take them outside.

9. She is a sensitive soul. She has a very dramatic cry, which she uses (some might say she OVER-uses) when her feelings get hurt… sometimes there is actual physical pain involved, but usually, the screaming wails that most others interpret as sure-emergency-type-of-cry, are just the result of hurt feelings.

10. She is very helpful. She loves getting diapers and wipes for her sister Sonoma. She loves to help unload the dishes, fold laundry, and do pretty much whatever she’s asked (unless Olivia complains about it first, at which point, Ruby catches on, and decides that chores are not cool).

11. She loves gymnastics right now. She also loves “Nutty Nuggets (like Grape Nuts that she calls “nuggy nuggets”)with blueberries and milk” in the morning.

Olivia is… jealous that her birthday isn’t until the end of the summer!!

1. She is so eager to please. She is so anxious to show or tell me when she’s done something good. She longs for the approval and recognition that she followed directions or remembered to follow a rule. It is very sweet.

2. Almost every day, her school work comes home with “I love you mom” doodled somewhere on it. I know that won’t last forever, but for now, aren’t I lucky!?