Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Funny Uncle Wade" and the Mystic Aquarium

My girls have it in their heads that all of their uncles are funny. When we told them that Uncle Wade was coming out to visit (for work), they were soooooo excited to see "Funny Uncle Wade"! I told him about his reputation at our house, and he did a great job living up to the name. He didn't have them in stitches with his relentless funniness, but he did have fun with his nieces, and they soaked it up! Here he is playing a rousing game of "Clue" with them.
 This is Wade, telling the girls a bedtime story... but mostly, it's Ru smiling at the camera :)
 Viv got facepaints from Grandma and Grandpa Morse. They painted each others faces for hours and days...

On the one Saturday that Wade was with us, we headed two hours away to the Mystic Aquarium. It was a great experience for all of us. Wade helped the girls get a canary on a stick to hold. They loved it!
 Jellyfish are always my favorite animals to see. They are so beautiful and dangerous. I love them.

 Here are my couch monkeys. Hilarious, as always. Sonoma has since defiled this couch after finding a permanent marker. Good thing it was a free couch from the local recycling center. Easy come easy go. I just wish I could say the same thing about the wood paneled, custom made walls that she defiled. Somehow I don't thing our landlords will find her artistic expression to be acceptably placed.

Anyone have any ideas about how to fix the wall? Yeah... we are in trouble. All markers are heretofore off limits at our house.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome jellyfish! Wow, that girl can really go to town with a marker! I wish I had an idea on how to get it off the wood panels... :(...good luck with that.
