Friday, February 26, 2010

A Decade of Losing

I’ve spent the last decade trying to find the solution to my weight loss. While living in Italy ten years ago, I was at a street market and found a soccer jersey of a famous Italian player. It was an XL, and I figured if I lost a few pounds, I’d be able to squeeze into it. When I arrived home, I pulled it out and looped my arms in, and as I stretched it over my head, I realized that it had been mislabeled. I couldn’t even fit it onto my body. At that point, I made it my goal to lose the weight that would allow that jersey to fit me loosely. 
That was nearly ten years ago to The Day. I capitalize “The Day” because it was a day I have been thinking about every single day for the last 14 months. 
That day is today. 
This day was either going to serve me the greatest accomplishment of my life, or one disgustingly massive loaf of depression and defeat. No one is happier to announce that it is the former. I lost 102 lbs in the past 14 months and hit the final goal of a series of weight loss goals all leading up to this day.  See the jersey photo below taken today :)
I was fat for 22 years since the age of 8, when my dad died of an aggressive brain tumor. Emotional eating was my best friend and worst enemy. 
Maintaining this new lifestyle will not be without resistance. But I’m committed to it and the countless people in my family and community that I have inspired now rely on me as a shining example of a healthy lifestyle. 
I’ve decided that I need to share what I’ve learned and my story with everyone interested on a continual basis. So I’m launching a blog called that will act as a personal and public support system and resource for those looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle the right way. No yo-yo diets or fads, just good old nutrition the way Mother Nature intended. Keep your eyes out for that. 
And as a final note, I don’t post this to gloat about my accomplishment. I do it to demonstrate that overcoming major obstacles in life is doable. It may take a decade, but every failure only gets you closer to success. With persistence, success is inevitable. 

And if you didn't see the video I did for a contest (which I was not chosen for ... but was glad it got me to make this) for Prevention Magazine, it gives you a better idea of why I gained the weight in the first place. And gives you some fun pics to blackmail me with. And I was told to be very happy and energetic in the video ... heh.  View the video.


  1. Way to go Adam! Your story is incredible!

  2. to be candid, i've never been a skinny girl and after having two kids, that seems farther from my reach. but seeing your accomplishments and hearing your enthusiasm really is inspiring. no better way to celebrate your 31st and reaching your weight-loss goal than in cabo! congrats, dude. the jersey is freakin' awesome too. ;)

  3. I'm so glad you're doing a weight loss blog, thank you!! Food is a major issue for me, always has been, always will be, but adopting healthy practices is always good! You really are a role model, Adam. Thank you for your honesty in your struggles and successes!

  4. adam, i am so proud of you. i have loved following your progress and can't wait to read thesmartloser. in fact, i just went to it to add it to my googlereader, but apparently it's not up yet. will you post on this blog once the loser site is up and running?

  5. Yes, I'll post it on here when it's up. Thanks!
