Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jello Legs, Double Duty & The World Cup

Monday was a holiday and like most non-work-days-that-aren't-Sunday I try and go on a long run or to do an extended workout to make up for short ones during the week. I decided that I'd truck up a mountain and run down ... bad idea! It was a beautiful climb up and the burn was feeling pretty good, but then I had to run down as fast as I could without dying. I think my legs DID die! About halfway down I tried to walk for a few seconds and my legs wouldn't have it ... I nearly fell over. So what did I do? Kept on running. By the bottom, my legs were Jello, but I felt okay. Little did I know that this one workout would render my legs useless for the entire week! They became so sore that the 90 year-old down the street looked like an olympian compared to me. Quite a painful week.

Then again, things have been so busy at Advent that I've had to work 12-14 hour days, and fortunately (I suppose) having legs isn't required for the type of work I do. And in case you haven't heard, we are DESPERATELY seeking to hire another full-time graphic designer and a web programmer! I'd prefer to not work double duty for the rest of my days.

The world cup ends this week and it has been perfect timing to have Stan and Nga here as they're big soccer fans as well. The whole Smith family, in fact, are quite fanatical about it all. It makes for an exciting month once every four years. We are in Alpine this weekend so we can all be together for the final game. Fanatical behavior augments when accompanied by other fanatical individuals. It's fun.

Recipe of the week: Mediterranean Grilled Salmon

1 large salmon fillet
1/4 C olive oil
3-4 Tb Herbs de Provence
1Tb sea salt

Drizzle olive oil over the fillet. Scatter the herbs and salt across a cookie sheet and rub the fillet into the seasoning on both sides. Toss onto the grill and cook on low for roughly 10 minutes per side. If you have a cedar plank, cook the fillet on top of it.

(We don't have our photos here in Alpine, so we'll try and get them when we get back)

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