Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summerfest, Father’s Day, and the World Cup!

Last week was Summerfest, a long-loved Logan event. The weather was perfect and we had a great time enjoying good food, fun music, wonderful friends, and excellent weather. Finally – summer has arrived in Logan!

We have also been enjoying the exciting World Cup. It’s been awesome getting together with friends and family to watch exciting games. We are sad that the US is out of the competition, but will still follow the remaining teams. What a great sport!

Father’s Day was a lot of fun. We spent the day visiting family and even got to see the Biswas family who came to visit from California. I’ll just take this opportunity to say that Adam is the most amazing father.  He cares deeply for his daughters and would do anything for them. He has a magical way of making them laugh. He truly has a gift for keeping things upbeat and positive. I know this because when I have had it with things and am ready to scream and break a whole in the wall, he comes in and somehow lightens the situation, giving me perspective. He loves playing with the girls, getting on their level and engaging with them. He loves teaching them and is very patient. I’m so grateful for him.

This week the girls and I got to go to the canyon with Linda, Laura, and her girls. Viv and Ru had a wonderful time (they idolize their older cousins). They hiked a little, made a pretend fishing pole, and even got to touch a live fish that a made had recently caught. It was amazing for them.

Sonoma is already a month and a half old, and we can hardly believe it. She is getting bigger and we love having her around! Most people who see her say that she looks like someone in our family, or that a certain feature matches this or that person in the family, or that her eye will be a certain color – but their opinions are never consistent.  Blue eyes, brown eyes, Adam’s eyes, Ruby’s mouth, …who knows? She is her own person. She likes a pacifier, will take a bottle easily, makes noises that sound like a little lamb, loves snuggling, and is cuter everyday! Enjoy the photos…

Recipe of the week:
1 tsp Thai curry paste (red or green)
1 can coconut milk
1 tsp honey
assorted veggies (enough to fill the coconut milk) such as baby corn, peas, carrots, onions, cabbage, etc.
Cooked rice (brown or jasmine)

Add coconut milk, curry paste, and honey to a frying pan and turn on heat to medium low. Chop up the vegetables into small pieces then add to the milk mixture. Cook until the vegetables are soft. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve over rice. *honey and curry measurements can be adjusted depending on your desired spiciness/sweetness.

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