Sunday, April 17, 2011


We had the opportunity to do some fun Springy things this week such as see (and pet) baby animals at the American West Heritage Center, go on walks, and go to the park and play. If feels good to finally get some natural vitamin D in our systems. I'm glad we took advantage of that because it is forecast to rain all week. *sigh*.

So here's the update on the kiddos who are all growing up too fast.

OLIVIA: is LOVING gymnastics. She is in a class with only one other girl in it, so she gets a lot of attention. She is learning to climb a rope, do handstands, cartwheels, walk on the beam, to pull-overs on the bar, and much more. It's exciting to watch her do something that she is passionate about (as opposed to soccer... which WE love, but she didn't really take to it... yet). She is anxious to learn how to ride a two-wheeler bike all by herself, and she practices a lot. She is also anxious to learn how to swim and is quite daring in the pool. She is a really good reader when she wants to be (life can be rather distracting). She is a good friend at school, which she enjoys most of the time (but it's hard to love anything in the mornings, and morning kindergarten is sometimes a challenge for both of us). She is enjoying participating in the upcoming "green science fair" at school. Her experiment is on the effects of food coloring. Olivia is a good eater and eats a pretty good balance of vegetables and candy. She likes them both. She is, and always has been, a very independent little girl who is desperate to grow up. She loves being a big sister, and she loves to play with Ruby. She often prays that Sonoma will grow up fast - I can only assume it is so that she can play with her as well.

RUBY: surprised us all yesterday by throwing up 4 times and napping early in the day, but has been fine ever since (thank you for not being the flu!). Ruby is such a pleasant little girl. She is always singing and giving hugs to people. She is thoughtful and sweet. Perhaps her disposition also makes her a bit of a tender soul (sometimes people also refer to it as cry-baby-ish), and she is working on being brave about things. For example, she used to get scared at night until Adam told her that the elephants that are hanging on the mobile in their bedroom are strong and nice and would protect her. Now she talks about them all the time and mentions that she isn't scared because of them (genius, Adam, genius!). Ruby also loves gymnastics. She also enjoys coloring pictures for people. She has an adorable attachment to a "fluffy green pillow" and a "fluffy green blanket". She doesn't need them all the time, thank goodness, but sometimes when she is feeling tender, they are the perfect snuggle companions. She says the cutest things. Here are two quotes from this morning: 1. Ruby: "Look mom, FIRE!" Me: "No, that's the sunset. It's beautiful." Ruby: "No, it's the moonset." 2. "If we hold hands super tight with all the people in the world, we won't fall." (rather profound for a 3-yr-old).

SONOMA: is fast approaching her 1st birthday!!! Yikes, that went by fast. She is really coming into herself (what does that even mean?), and her personality is showing more and more. She is babbling all the time. It's so fun to listen to her communicate - most of the time. Lately she has been teething, and so much of her communicating has turned to loud, insistent, and rather dramatic yelling. I hope those teeth come fast. She has said her first word: dada. No, it does not mean "daddy", it means "baby". She has adorable mannerisms. She flexes her whole body in an almost-frightening way when she is really excited. She likes to click her tongue. She is always growling - about everything - something she has done for almost her whole life. She also started picking up phones and putting them up to her head. Amazing how quickly they catch on. She loves taking baths. She still has impressively large thighs, but she is moving around so much that they are thinning. She wants to walk so badly. She is such a cutie and we love her to death!

Well, that's it for now. Enjoy the photos!

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