Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sonoma turns one!

I know it is cliché to say this, but I really can’t believe that a whole year has passed by since Sonoma was born. That was such a fast year. She is a big adorable toddler now with rolls and chunky thighs to prove it. Some things about her right now…

11. She likes to make a sort of siren noise, and if you copy her, she’ll repeat it over and over with some variation. It’s really cute.

2. She can say 6 words: “dada” which means baby, “dada” (Dad), “Mama”, “Hi”, “Down”, and “Uh-oh”

3. She can sign a few words: milk, please, all gone, sleep, … but she is not terribly consistent with signing, and is not particularly fond of signing. She mostly doesn’t want you to be in charge of her hands if you try to teach or guide her signing. She likes to be in control of her hands and fingers at all times (clipping her nails is a challenge!).

4. She can take a few steps (I think her record at this point is 9 steps in a row). She still prefers to crawl or cruise along furniture.

5. She is stone-faced for strangers and often for us. This is just following in the footsteps of her older sisters. They grow out of it :)

6. She is generally a very easy baby (mild-mannered, mellow).

7. She likes to climb dangerously on chairs and anything she possibly can.

8. She loves animals. She always wants to pet and touch and poke and grab at cats and dogs.

9. She likes to sing. When we are singing or when music is playing, she often tries to chime in. She’ll also shake her head from side to side in a form of dance.

110. She is constantly rolling her ankles around. It’s not a conscious action, she just does it all the time. She used to do it with her wrists as well, but not as much anymore.

In other news, we took a trip to MOAB this last week, and had a great time, not the best time ever, but a great time. Let's just say that camping with three kids after 6 hours in the car is hard enough, but then having one of them throw up all night in a tent (the smell alone could have killed us) while not-so-considerate camping neighbors noisily set up camp a 4am and then proceed to become noisily intimate with each other, is even harder (we felt like we were in a bad movie!). Ah, the joys of "roughing it"!

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