Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Ba-gok Cottage" and the "Enchanted Twain Forest"

 This week our pre-fab chicken coop finally arrived (it took a detour to our old Logan address first - oops). We were all so excited to set it up. The children were very helpful, and our garage smells so much better sans chickens! We named it "Ba-gok Cottage", a slight copy of Wade and Amber's "Bok Bok Cottage". They are an inspiration to us. Our five little chickens are nothing compared to their impressive hobby farm. Anyway, we worked together for about an hour until it was all set up. It has two little roosting places for laying eggs, which will hopefully start in October. The roof tops all have hinges for easy access. The floor slides out for easy cleaning. It is so cool! We hope that our chickens like it as much as we do!

In other news, Noma got her first hornet sting today. The poor thing was walking up the steps to our house when a hornet flew out of a hole in the house and stung her on her head just above her temple. Happily, she is not allergic, and she was pretty tough about it after she got a cookie. Adam sprayed the hole and patched it up. After that he went on to take care of another hazard - bats, but more specifically bat guano on our front porch (toxic poop). He climbed up into our attic and grabbed a screen that he found laying around up there, and jammed it between the decorative shudders and the house. He scared away eight bats, and left the screen jammed there in the hopes that there won't be enough room for them to return now. We will see.

Now for the Enchanted Twain Forest (a.k.a. the woods that border our property). It is a wonderful and terrible place with dragons, trolls, force fields, fairies, etc. There is an enormous "Grandmother Tree" (ever seen Fern Gully?) that speaks wisdom and provides protection from the dragons (ticks?).

There is a "Bridge of Hope" that can grant wishes when one climbs it and then jumps off into the arms of... daddy.
There are three critical rock walls that, when passed, can keep the trolls at bay for up to five minutes as children rush to beat the troll down to the dreaded "Troll Bridge". Once you arrive at the "Troll Bridge" you must peek inside to see if the troll is there.
If not, one is free to look for frogs and fairies and chase fish. Then one must cast a spell on the area to make the troll fall asleep upon his return. When one is too tired to go on, one can place both hands upon any tree and get energy. It is truly a magical place!

Here are some extra recent pics, just for fun :)

This was at friends Brooklyn and Kennedy's house.

Check out those fluffy legs!


  1. I want to grow up again at your house!

  2. What a nifty coop!...and I love your forest :)

  3. Ha! How did I miss this? I love your new coop, and your creative adventures in the forest.

    Hey, BATS eat mosquitoes and bugs. Keep a place for them somewhere (but not on the front porch).
    Love you guys!
