Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jack and Les at the Carriage House

My brother Jackson and his lovely wife, Celeste came to visit for a few days. We had such a wonderful time with them! They came on Jackson's birthday (July 5th), so we had the pleasure of celebrating it with them. The girls, of course, were thrilled for an excuse to eat cake and ice cream. They got here and settled in for a few hours before we headed over to nearby Ridgefield where they have a free concert in the park twice a week during the summer! We just heard about it and decided to try it out. It turned out to be a very impressive bluegrass band with Sierra Hull, and we had a wonderful time.

We wandered around the cute town, ordered pizza, set up our camping chairs, played Frisbee, and enjoyed the amazing atmosphere. It will definitely be an activity that we will repeat. Then we came home and had the obligatory cake and ice cream to top off the night.

The next day we headed to our local YMCA. I had not been in a while, and I was impressed with their pond (complete with fish and a sandy beach) and splash pad for kids.

It was a big hit. Sonoma hit a breaking point, however, and became insanely crazy and unmanageable once we made it to the dressing rooms. Thankfully she fell into a coma-like sleep on the way to lunch. She remained sleeping despite the cement upon which she slept as we ate in peace.

No visit to our home would be complete without s'mores in the backyard. We lit leftover sparklers and had a grand time. It was hard to say good bye, but we are so grateful that they were able to squeeze us into their road trip!


  1. Holly, awesome picture of you and Jackson eating watermelon!
    How fun for you guys.
    I seriously would love to come and have s'mores in your backyard...maybe some day :)

  2. Ah. Happy late birthday Jack! Very cool YMCA. Sandy beach? Public funds in Utah would never cover such extravagance. You have had so much company! I hope you are loving this new phase in your life. I can't believe how much your girls have changed just since this spring.
